Knowledge Nuggets

ACC Yotta upgrades APP:Host MDaemon Private Cloud to version 4.5

by Jeff Rhys-Jones on 3 January 2017 12:25pm : 3132

'Key' enhancements to usability, security and updates - the best email server just got even better!

As one of only two authorised MDaemon Private Cloud hosting partners in the UK, ACC Yotta are proud to announce the arrival of MDaemon Private Cloud (MDPC) version 4.5. 

MDPC is a special edition of MDaemon designed for service providers which enables us to offer highly competitive fully managed MDaemon hosting offerings, on a flexible Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA) type model. All it means for customers is that they can simply order licenses, and pay a fixed monthly fee, with no licenses to buy or renewals to budget for. For more information on APP:Host MDaemon, please visit our the associated product page here.

MDPC versions are generally released 6 months after the ‘stand alone’ edition of MDaemon – so right now, both MDPC and stand alone MDaemon versions are both on 16.5.

New features included with 16.5 include:

Centralized Management of Outlook Users

Enables ‘pushing’ of Outlook account information from a central location, vastly simplifying email client setup. Server details are no longer required, the user simply enters their username and password.

Unique Public Key Management for Encryption Security Control

Email encryption is a much sought after functionality, but commonly it’s complicated to set up and key management can be hard for users to grips with. With the Public Key Management feature of MDaemons powerful Web Mail client (WorldClient) this vastly simplifies public key management for your users. In addition, the new OpenPGP support automates further by enabling the collection of public keys over DNS – so there is no longer a need for manual entry.

Easily Identify Trusted Email & Confirm Message Authenticity to Prevent 'Spearphishing'

It’s a scary fact that commonly, the deciding factor in whether or not your business could fall victim to a phishing attack, is all down to the lowest common denominator - the least ‘savvy / paranoid’ user who may not decide to check a link on an email sent to them. I.T. managers tell staff again and again not to click on a link if it looks suspect, but the fact of the matter is, some of these emails are such good ‘forgeries’ that it’s very easy to fall victim. The famous Clinton / John Podesta email phish being a great example. This feature essentially takes away the ‘doubt’ and ‘risk’ of letting the user decide on whether an email is authentic out of the equation by verifying embedded signatures within messages plus display labels for DKMIN signatures, messages decrypted by OpenPGP and messaged signed with an OpenPGP key. 

Automatic Product Updates

The fact that it’s taken so long (up to version 16.5) for an automatic update feature, tells you that the previous upgrade technique, simply downloading the latest .exe and installing it over the top – worked so well – there was little demand for it. However, if you are managing multiple servers, you will appreciate the automatic update feature is finally here!

Easier Inbox Management

There are some refinements to the two main themes shipped with Worldclient ‘LookOut’ and ‘WorldClient’. Our favourite new feature is the introduction of a category manager which allows you to tag emails with colour coded categories. There are a number of pre-populated categories supplied, plus it’s possible to create new ones.

XMPP Support - connects with most IM Clients

We're using the popular 'Pidgin' XMPP IM client with our own MDaemon 16.5 system, and it works wonderfully well, although there are a few setup nuances with this client to get it going!

We’re still testing this functionality but the key benefit of XMPP support is that it’s now possible to use 3rd party XMPP clients, such as Pidgin, or Adium for MacOS and rather than use the built in WordClient instant messenger. This therefore delivers a centralised IM service compatible with all major desktop and mobile O/S, in a completely secure environment – with all communication / transcripts taking place on the server and not on 3rd party / foreign servers.


All in all - this is a significant update to the private cloud edition, meaning that customers of our managed MDaemon APP:Host service benefit immediately from all of these important new features. If you are fed up with running your own email server, frustrated with Exchange / Office 365 cloud offerings - then we would recommend you give our MDaemon solution serious consideration. With no setup cost, and all the benefit of our (own - not 3rd party) state of the art hyperconverged & secure UK based infrastructure - surely there can be no other  'ALT-Native' to our powerful MDPC based email hosting solution!


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